Cuestión Cristiana

¿Por qué me llaman ustedes Señor, y no hacen lo que les digo?
Lucas 6:46

Imagina que es la primera Pascua. Dios vendrá esta noche y todos los primogénitos morirán. Dios anuncia que la única salvación de su juicio solamente es posible por medio de la sangre de una oveja sin mancha. Para recibir Su milagro misericordioso, uno tiene que pintar el marco de la puerta con la sangre del cordero y seguir las direcciones de Dios cuidadosamente.

Imagina que tu familia entera fuera compuesta de primogénitos. Tu y tu esposa, tu hijo, tus dos hijos adoptivos, tus suegros, todos primeros en nacer. Al prepararse para esa cena especial de esa noches, todos alaban y adoran a Dios con entusiasmo, agradeciéndole por la salvación de este juicio terrible. Cantan alabanzas de salvación. ¡Dios nos ha salvado mediante la sangre del Cordero! ¡La sangre del Cordero nos ha salvado!

Ahora imagina que tu hijo anuncia, Pero Padre, no hemos pintado los postes de la puerta con la sangre del cordero. El niño tiene razón. El sol está a punto de ponerse y la sangre del cordero todavía está en la palangana, esperando a que sigas las instrucciones de Dios. ¿Sales de prisa antes de que se ponga el sol y cumples con el mandamiento? En vez de eso, imagina una respuesta tan tonta como la siguiente, Mijo, no somos perfectos; solamente Dios es perfecto. Hasta nuestras mejores obras no nos pueden salvar. ¡Solamente la sangre del Cordero nos puede salvar! ¡Solamente con creer que la sangre del Cordero basta!

¡Ay, necio! Cada palabra que dijo fue verdad, pero si no haces lo que se te mandó y no aplicas la sangre del cordero a los postes, no habrá salvación para ti. Esta familia es un retrato de las iglesias industrial. Si verdaderamente creyéramos, entonces no aguantaríamos dejar sus instrucciones sin cumplir igual que una familia durante la primera Pascua. Si verdaderamente creemos lo que Dios nos dice, obedeceríamos cuidadosamente todas las enseñanzas de Jesús. Si no le obedeces, Él no es tu Señor.

A slogan has developed instead of reconciliation, and it is used to defend disobedience. It says, Yeah, but you can't be saved by works. This saying is true, but it was never an argument against obedience toward God and His Son. The saying settles the debate that salvation will never come out of works, but it forgets to mention that works always come out of salvation. If they don't, you aren't observing the teachings of Jesus. I will declare to them, I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness! (Matthew 7:23)

In reality, your observance of Jesus' teachings has never once threatened to make you think you were saved by your own works. Only resistance to His teachings produces self-righteous pride. Most threatening is how you ever hope to keep the commands of Jesus if you don't even know what they are. Do you live your life according to His teachings or are you lost? Are you aware that God does not even acknowledge anyone's belief in Jesus unless they love Jesus on His terms?

Here are His terms:

Jesus Answered

If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. Whoever doesn't love Me doesn't keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me.
John 14:23-24 reiterates verses 15 & 21 and answers verse 22.

Have you heard the gospel? Jesus commanded;

...repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations...
Luke 24:47

Repent churches! Repent you who call yourself by His name: Christians!

How will you, teach them to observe all things I have commanded you, when you will not observe them yourself?
Matthew 28:20 becomes possible only through obedience.

The industrial church is loudly declaring, I don't want to do what You said yet. Now give me another blessing and wash my feet! We must each open the scriptures and fearfully measure all our beliefs, practices, and policies against His Word. Labor for an awakening. Pray and fast. See to it that your life becomes a working model of humility, repentance, and radical reconciliation to Jesus.

It starts now with you and Him.