Cuestión Cristiana

¿Por qué me llaman ustedes Señor, y no hacen lo que les digo?
Lucas 6:46

Problem Scriptures

Reading everything He said in the Bible easily allows us to see how seriously we've been taking Jesus. The moment you find something you disagree with, that bothers you, contradicts you, or provokes objection within you, that's an area where you aren't taking Him seriously. Believe Him or not when He said there is no other way, that it's His way or the hell-way. Take a look at these scriptures. If any of them bother you, the Christian question probably applies to you.

Christian Eye Exam

Perhaps while reading this website you found yourself arguing along the way. Activate the Christian Eye Exam and touch anything you disagree with. This will reveal the context of Biblical scripture, the ruler for measuring all Christian claims. When we examine any subject directly through the lens of scripture, God reveals any flaws in our vision, and the prescription is always Jesus.